Community and teamwork are paramount at our Clearbrook Treatment Centers locations. Clearbrook Pennsylvania and Clearbrook Massachusetts professional medical staff are an experienced team of individuals who work hard to see patients reach recovery. There are a variety of helpful resources that Clearbrook offers, such as education on the street names for drugs, detailed research about drug and alcohol abuse, and family resources to strengthen relationships. The unique therapeutic plans we develop at each addiction treatment center empower patients to achieve the best version of themselves and find joy in life.

Services Provided at Clearbrook

We offer a wide range of services that are designed to implement structure and successful recovery for each patient. Our centers for alcoholism and drug addiction include many individualized substance abuse treatments so patients can reach their recovery goals. Not only do we want to see patients quickly get sober, but stay sober for the remainder of their lives.

Some of our successful treatments and services include:

  • Medical detoxification
  • Residential care
  • Stabilization program
  • Addiction treatment
  • Counseling
  • Art therapy
  • Biofeedback therapy
  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy

We also offer rehab for pregnant women, relapse prevention, and suboxone treatment. We try our best to accommodate every condition and circumstance that a person may be experiencing. Both our Pennsylvania drug rehab and Northeast addictions treatment center provides exceptional service to safely get patients through treatment and begin a life of recovery.

The Clearbrook Difference

Clearbrook Treatment Centers are established by a family of individuals who came together with one mission in mind – to free people from addiction. We provide a comfortable and clean environment for patients to be welcomed into the treatment process. Our addiction services are here to help educate and guide patients through detox, recovery, and apply relapse prevention skills throughout each day.


If you have any questions about our special programs like our Christian-based therapy for addiction, do not hesitate to contact a member of our medical staff. Contact us and get started today!


Related Reading:

The 4 Levels of Anxiety

“I Think I Think Too Much”: Traits Of An Overthinker

How to Overcome Cross Addiction