Our Pennsylvania drug rehab offers many types of therapy programs for addiction. One of these therapies is cognitive-behavioral therapy. The primary goal of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is to teach people that while they’re unable to control everything in their environment, they can control how they interpret and react to things in their environment. Considering the many environmental factors of addiction, our rehab center for cognitive-behavioral therapy makes a considerable difference in the lives of our clients as they navigate sobriety.

Is CBT Effective for Substance Abuse Treatment?

Cognitive-behavioral therapy is a classification of counseling founded in the 1960s by Dr. Aaron T. Beck. CBT helps people with substance use disorders address problematic or negative thoughts and feelings that have contributed to their addictions.

This modality is widely used today in addiction treatment and teaches those in outpatient and residential treatment programs to find the connections between their thoughts, feelings, and actions. CBT also contributes to addiction recovery by increasing clients’ awareness of how their thoughts, emotions, and experiences contribute to their drug use.

CBT in Substance Abuse Treatment in Pennsylvania

Our rehab center for cognitive-behavioral therapy focuses on cognition, or how clients’ thoughts can influence their mood. CBT is a goal-oriented type of therapy that addresses cognitive problems such as maladaptive thinking. Maladaptive thinking or cognitive distortions – such as overgeneralizing, catastrophizing, and personalizing situations – can contribute to errors in logic and misguided conclusions, resulting in or worsening symptoms of mental illness and substance use disorders.

Underlying core beliefs can shape a person’s life and decisions. Someone’s thoughts and perceptions can shape the way they interpret their environment and their role in it. Beck, the doctor who founded CBT, believed that dysfunctional and automatic thinking plays significant roles in behavioral disorders like drug addiction.

Cognitive-behavioral therapy for substance abuse is designed to address these negative thought and behavioral patterns to help clients make positive changes in their lives. Our therapists customize CBT depending on the specific needs of the client, so they may get the most out of their treatment.

The fundamental principles of CBT include:

  • Psychological disorders are partly based on inaccurate ways of thinking.
  • Psychological disorders are also partly based on learned negative behaviors.
  • People with psychological disorders can learn better coping mechanisms, alleviate their symptoms, and create positive changes in their lives.

Our cognitive-behavioral therapy techniques for addiction also include using role-playing to develop a plan for how to deal with addiction triggers or problematic situations that could potentially lead to relapse. Therapists at our PA drug rehab also help clients by creating a pros and cons list of reactions to various situations and helping them develop a plan of action to address certain problematic situations to prevent relapse and other problems.

Contact Our Rehab Center for CBT Today

CBT is a practical, goal-oriented form of therapy that encourages self-awareness and independence as clients learn how to live sober lifestyles. It’s a collaborative effort between therapists and clients that can help the latter improve various aspects of their lives. Because treatment is individualized, cognitive-behavioral therapy techniques may vary depending on the person.

CBT is beneficial in treating anxiety and depression, as well. Those with these disorders can receive residential mental health care at our Massachusetts treatment center.


For further information about our cognitive-behavioral therapy or other forms of Pennsylvania addiction treatment, contact Clearbrook Treatment Centers today.


Not all programs available at all locations. Please contact the location for availability.


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