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When we put expectations on people we want them to be what we want them to be, not who they are. When they don’t meet our expectations, we are let down, disappointed and hurt. Sometimes we use these experiences to blame people or situations for having trust issues. Not being able to trust people, we attribute that to our “bad” experiences.

When we take a look at ourselves we must see that putting expectations on people and situations 99% of the time hurt us. This is because we try to control the way people act, what they say and who they are. Trusting others is easy when we don’t put expectations on them. Because our expectations are based on self-centeredness, we become angry and distrustful when our expectations are not met.

Gaining confidence in who we are helps us with trusting others and a lack of expectations. This can be done through honesty within ourselves. Our motives must be pure and if they stay pure we can trust others easier and put less expectations on us and others.

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