In Family Resources, Personal Resources

The effects of psilocybin, also known as “magic mushrooms,” are gaining attention because they go beyond the mystical and can have serious negative effects on one’s physical and mental well-being. The drug specialists at our Northeast rehab in Wilkes-Barre explore the various psilocybin side effects and throw light on the possible risks that come with using it. As part of our dedication to raising public awareness and understanding of substance use and its effects on mental health, we are providing this investigation.

What Is Psilocybin?

Psilocybin is a naturally occurring psychedelic substance that can be found in some species of mushrooms. Psilocybin is a member of the tryptamine class of compounds and shares a similar structure to serotonin, a neurotransmitter that is important for mood regulation in the brain.

When ingested, the body transforms psilocybin into psilocin, the active form that produces psychedelic effects. Due to their hallucinogenic qualities, psilocybin-containing mushrooms, also known as “magic mushrooms” or just “shrooms,” have been utilized for centuries in a variety of cultural and religious traditions. Nowadays, however, magic mushrooms have become more and more popular for recreational use.

Psilocybin side effects can include altered perceptions of reality, changes in thought processes, heightened sensory experiences, and a sense of interconnectedness. The psychological effects of shrooms can vary widely depending on the individual, the dose, and the set and setting in which the substance is consumed.

Research has suggested that psilocybin may have therapeutic potential for certain mental health conditions, such as depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Some studies have explored the use of psilocybin in controlled settings with trained professionals to facilitate therapeutic experiences.

Nevertheless, because of the possibility of strong psychological effects, psilocybin use for recreational purposes is not advised. It’s also crucial to remember that many nations and legal systems forbid the use, possession, or distribution of psilocybin-containing mushrooms. Any investigation into psychedelic substances ought to be conducted sensibly and mindful of potential legal and medical repercussions.

What Are the Side Effects of Shrooms?

Psilocybin-containing psychedelic mushrooms can have a variety of side effects, both physical and psychological. It’s crucial to remember that each person will react differently and that factors like dosage, setup, and mental state can all have an impact on the experience’s nature and intensity. The following are some possible short- and long-term psilocybin side effects.

Short-Term Side Effects of Shrooms

Short-term psilocybin effects include:

  • Feelings of euphoria
  • Visual and/or auditory hallucinations
  • Distorted perception of time
  • Dilated pupils
  • Faster heartbeat than normal
  • Increased body temperature
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Muscle weakness
  • Poor coordination
  • Dry mouth and a bad aftertaste that can last for hours
  • Sweating or chills
  • Anxiety or paranoia, especially for those already struggling with poor mental health
  • Headaches

Shrooms can be dangerous, although some might consider experimenting with them. While a fatal overdose is uncommon, overdosing on shrooms can cause a strong, long-lasting bad trip. Furthermore, mushrooms pose additional risks. For instance, some mix-ups caused by the similar appearance of these unique mushrooms and some poisonous mushrooms have had some fatal outcomes. Combining magic mushrooms with alcohol or other substances can also result in unpredictable and harmful side effects.

Long-Term Effects of Shrooms

Studies on the long-term effects of psilocybin-containing mushrooms are still rare and frequently use small sample sizes. Furthermore, past experiences with these substances’ legal status have made rigorous and extensive research difficult. Nonetheless, the following are some possible long-term effects of shrooms that have been reported:

The most common long-term effect of shrooms is the presence of flashbacks reminiscent of previous hallucinations that can occur even when the person is no longer high. One study found that as many as 60% of regular hallucinogenic users had experienced these flashbacks.2 These flashbacks can even occur years after use.4 There may also be underlying medical problems, especially if psilocybin is regularly mixed with other psychoactive substances, but not enough research has been done to have conclusive results.1

While abusing these substances recreationally is dangerous, there may be some potential medicinal benefits to shrooms as well. Some studies suggest that microdoses of psilocybin could help treat anxiety, depression, and OCD, as well as aid in the process of alcohol addiction treatment.8 While there may be some promising developments in the future, research surrounding these claims is still new and mixed. For this reason, psilocybin abuse of any kind is not recommended.

How Long Does It Take for Shrooms to Take Effect?

Similar to other drugs, shrooms have different effects on different people, and no drug is risk-free. The effects of mushrooms depend on various factors, such as an individual’s weight, health, size, and prior drug experience, in addition to the quantity and potency of the mushrooms.

The onset of psilocybin effects usually occurs 30 minutes to an hour after the mushrooms are consumed, depending on the method of administration and the quantity consumed. The effects vary widely from person to person and usually peak after six hours.1 While some people might experience a more euphoric trip, others might not have a good time.

How Long Do the Effects of Shrooms Last?

Psilocybin mushrooms produce effects that can last for a variety of lengths of time depending on the individual, the dosage, and the type of mushroom that was ingested. Depending on the individual, the negative effects of psilocybin can last anywhere from 4 to 6 hours on average. Below is a general timeline of these effects

  • Onset (30 minutes to 2 hours): Certain factors, like whether the mushrooms are consumed after or before eating, can affect when they start to show effects.
  • Peak (2 to 4 hours): The peak of psilocybin effects, which lasts for 2 to 4 hours, usually brings the strongest changes, such as vivid hallucinations, altered perception of time, and altered thoughts.
  • Plateau (2 to 3 hours): People may go through a plateau phase following the peak, during which the effects are still present but less strong than they were during the peak.
  • Offset (1 to 2 hours): During the offset phase, the effects gradually wear off, and people may begin to feel more rooted and in control. About 1 to 2 hours may pass during this time.
  • Aftereffects: Also referred to as the “afterglow,” some individuals report aftereffects of shrooms, such as a sense of well-being or positive mood in the hours or even days following mushroom use.

The duration of symptoms and each individual’s reaction may vary. Several variables, such as the dosage, whether the person took them on an empty stomach, and their mental health, can affect how long and how severe psilocybin side effects last. It’s important to know the legal ramifications for psilocybin-containing mushrooms in your jurisdiction, in addition to any potential negative effects.

Shroom Addiction Treatment at Clearbrook

Although psilocybin-containing mushrooms have been linked to psychedelic experiences and possible medicinal advantages, it’s important to be aware of the risks they may present. Their designation as Schedule I substances and the ensuing legal ramifications are a major source of concern.

Additionally, there is a chance of psychological dependence or abuse, particularly if psychedelics are used as a gateway drug for more dangerous substances. It is critical to acknowledge the significance of responsible use and to comprehend the possibility of addiction or unfavorable consequences.

Seeking professional assistance – such as addiction treatment services at Clearbrook Treatment Centers Pennsylvania – can help those who are struggling with substance abuse issues by offering a supportive recovery environment and addressing the complexities related to substance use disorders. Any substance use must be approached with awareness, education, and a dedication to personal well-being.

To begin your recovery from drug or alcohol abuse, call our Northeast rehab in Pennsylvania today at 570-536-9621 or contact us online.


  1. Science Direct- Acute renal injury caused by confirmed Psilocybe cubensis mushroom ingestion
  2. Science Direct – Abnormal visual experiences in individuals with histories of hallucinogen use: A web-based questionnaire
  3. Science Direct- Psilocybin – Summary of knowledge and new perspectives
  4. Vice – Some People Relive Psychedelic Trips Years Later


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