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It’s that time of the year again for the Super Bowl. Americans place a large importance on this yearly sporting event but many times, they turn into drinking parties instead of remaining focused on the sport. As a person in recovery, it’s important to know that you can attend a Super Bowl party and remain sober.

Here are some helpful tips to help you enjoy the Super Bowl this year.

Talk to Your Sponsor

All good teams have a coach and so should you! Your recovery is based on survival, especially in the early months. It can be difficult to determine how vulnerable you truly are. Many of us are not spiritually fit in the beginning to determine what events are good for us and when we should stay away.

They will be able to tell you what steps to take when faced with alcohol or if you become surrounded by people that exhibit old behaviors.

Sponsorship is the key to a healthy recovery and it is important that you consult your sponsor before attending any big event. You sponsor might even know of some other sober people that are having their own, alcohol-free Super Bowl party.

Avoid Alcohol and Other Temptations

This is the key to a solid defense. Most people believe that when you are spiritually mature, you can go anywhere and not struggle. For those who are just beginning, this isn’t the case.

If you attend a party with no alcohol or drugs included, it would be difficult for you to become intoxicated. That makes your recovery easier.

Even when you attend a sober party, you are still being bombarded by messages of drinking. Just think about the various stadium signs, advertisements, commercials, music and all the spectators you witness enjoying themselves with a beer. There are some steps to help you avoid these issues.

If watching at a Home:

  • Walk out of the room for the commercials.
  • Turn the channel if you can.

If watching at the stadium:

  • Place yourself in seats between trusted friends.
  • Some stadiums have alcohol-free seating areas you can request.
  • Avoid tailgating parties.

I know that you have an intense desire to feel “normal.” This can become a dangerous feeling when you are newly sober. Trying to fit in with what appears to be the normal crowd puts you in a position of temptation.

You must remember that you aren’t “normal” when it comes to alcohol or drugs. Your fatal disease is progressive and chronic. It is essential that you abstain from all mind-altering substances in order to live a peaceful, happy life. This happens one day at a time.

This isn’t to say that you’ll never have fun. It simply means that you have to redefine what the word fun means.

Surround Yourself with Sober Friends

This is the key to a solid offense. Seek out some sober friends that will encourage and support your recovery plans. These people can help you to redefine fun in your life. You’ll find that there are lots of recovering addicts that enjoy football. In fact, some of them might be holding their own sober parties or tailgating events.

The best place to find these sober friends is at AA meetings. You can even search online through various social networks. It’s always wise to check with the treatment center you went through as many of them will also host special events where you can meet other like-minded people.

Pay Attention to the Game

You know what the best part about this year’s game is going to be? You’re going to remember it! Have a great time and root for your favorite team. Stay connected and engaged in what the sport is about. In the end, you’ll remember everything that happened instead of leaving the party and blacking out.

There are so many ways to get engaged while at a party. Consider these options:

  • Help with the food.
  • Volunteer to be a part of the setup or cleanup.
  • Babysit the kids that attend the party.
  • Create some fun trivia games to play with other guests during breaks.
  • Laugh and have fun.

Create Your Own Party

If all else fails, consider creating your own sober party and inviting friends from recovery. They are sure to enjoy a someplace safe to go for the big event.

The first thing you’ll want to do is ensure that it’s a safe environment for all to attend. Don’t invite people that won’t respect your wishes to keep the location alcohol and drug-free. This way you can confidently invite your friends from recovery and know that they will be safe.

Then, follow these tips to create the perfect sober atmosphere.

Creating a Fun Environment

  • Be creative with the food choices. Great food helps to quickly erase the thought of drugs or alcohol and makes the difference between a good party and a GREAT party. Choose crackers, cheese, chocolate, fruits, veggies and
  • Help to introduce people and keep the socialization comfortable. Don’t let people stand off alone in the corner.
  • Plan ahead to ensure all the bases are covered. Do you need more seating, new recipes or help to organize the event? Be sure to get everything you need ahead of time.
  • Have a nice selection of sober drinks. Nobody wants to attend a party and drink plain water. Prepare some fun treats like hot chocolate or fancy lemonade. It might even be fun to create a coffee bar for your guests. Simply prepare both decaf and regular coffee. Then, offer some flavored syrups, milk, creams and various sweeteners. Make sure you have some chocolate or cinnamon sticks for a little extra fun. In fact, you’ll also want to have some small cookies nearby for dipping purposes.

Games & Activities

  • Create a photo booth. You can find free props on Pinterest and use the camera on your phone. People will have a great time and your sober friends might even realize how good they look while not intoxicated.
  • Board games are always a great way to enjoy sobriety. Before and after the big game, have some fun board games around in case anyone wants to play.
  • Sports Trivia is a great way to test everyone’s football knowledge. Have some little prizes handy and ask your guest questions during the commercials. It’s a great way to distract from the beer commercials.


While the Super Bowl has become enmeshed in the lifestyle of drinking and parties, you don’t have to fall into that trap to have a good time. Join together with others who share the same desire to be sober and create your own traditions and fun. You might just find that this year’s party is the best you’ve ever attended.

Contact Clearbrook Today

Are you or someone you love currently struggling with drugs and alcohol? Have you found yourself trapped in the cycle of addiction? If so, help is available.

With 45 years of experience in treating chemical dependency, Clearbrook Treatment Centers can offer you effective solutions that will aid in lasting recovery.

If you are tired of a life burdened by addiction, give us a call today. Our trusted Admissions Specialists are available 24 hours a day to assist you with all of your needs.






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