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Addiction Treatment | Clearbrook Treatment Centers

Drug addiction and alcoholism can bring a person to very dark and scary places. Nevertheless, as the disease of addiction progresses, things that were once unacceptable soon become acceptable. Whether it be jeopardizing one’s own morals or breaking the law, these unacceptable behaviors are no longer scary to the drug user. Ironically, the one thing they fear the most, is the very thing that will save them. Addiction treatment has unfortunately gotten a bad rap over the years, and even as the industry has expanded across the country and world, many misconceptions still exist today. For the drug user or alcoholic still out there suffering, these myths could mean life or death for them. With that being said, we would like to share some insight into the world of addiction treatment and clarify what one could expect from a rehab center.

Myth #1: Addiction Treatment Doesn’t Work

Clearly if this statement had any standing, thousands of individuals wouldn’t be sober today. Addiction treatment does in fact work and is beneficial in the recovery process, but one major factor seems to always be forgotten. Recovery is in fact a process, and needs to be treated as such. Unfortunately, many fall under the misconception that after rehab, the addict is healed and cured. This could not be further from the truth. Rehab or addiction treatment is simply the beginning to a life-long process, where the individual has the opportunity to build a solid foundation and gain the tools necessary for lasting sobriety. After rehab, the individual still needs to participate in substance abuse counseling, 12-step fellowships, and other programs, such as a halfway house or PHP. Evidence shows the longer someone is actively engaged in aftercare programming the higher their potential for success is.

Myth #2: Treatment Is Too Expensive

Many are under the impression that addiction treatment is too expensive, so getting help would never be a possibility for them. While the out-of-pocket expense for addiction treatment can be quite expensive and there are some facilities that only accept cash as payment, that is rarely the norm anymore. Most facilities, including Clearbrook, accept several health insurance plans and policies, which will cover the majority, if not all of the cost. If you do not have insurance, many states and counties provide funding to assist in the payment of treatment.

Myth #3: Seeking Help Is A Sign Of Weakness

The disease of addiction would have us believe that we could “figure things out” on our own; that asking for help is only for the weak. The very definition of surrender means “admit defeat,” which is exactly what needs to be done in order for an individual to get better. Finally admitting that you need help and cannot do it alone, is not a sign of weakness. In fact, it is the most courageous and brave thing anyone could do.

Myth #4: Addiction Treatment Is Like Jail

Often times someone who is in need of addiction treatment is under the impression that rehab is going to be one of two things; either a spa-like resort or like jail. Neither of these conclusions are correct. Although many rehabs now offer home-like amenities and pleasing aesthetic environments, they are far from being a resort or vacation. Other than luxury rehabs, most facilities do not offer massages, swimming pools, are other excessive amenities to their patients. This is typically used as a marketing tactic by elite centers, and only proves to distract the patient from their primary goal: continued and lasting sobriety.

Furthermore, while residential addiction treatment centers are restrictive and work on regimented schedules and daily activities, they are not comparable to jails. Going to rehab is completely voluntary, and centers do not keep their patients locked up. Addiction treatment professionals are trained to treat patients/clients with dignity and respect and offer the best opportunities for success.

Myth #5: Going To Addiction Treatment Will Cost Someone Their Job

It is understandable when an individual is fearful of losing their job if they enter into an addiction treatment program. Nevertheless, it is important to know that there are many programs in place to aid in these circumstances. From the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) to short-term disability there are several options available for employees who are in need of treatment. Additionally, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) protects you from being terminated for seeking treatment or past work errors related to your substance abuse. Keep in mind, this act does not protect you from termination if you are found actively using drugs on the job.

Myth #6: Detox Is Enough

If this statement were true, 28-day and long-term facilities would not exist. Drug addiction is a multi-faceted disease that gets progressively worse over time. It is an illness that affects a person on multiple levels, including physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. While detox is certainly a crucial, and often times necessary step in the recovery process, it is only the beginning. After the drugs and/or alcohol are removed from body, the individual must work closely with a counselor to identify why they began using in the first place, and how to prevent future use. Often times, a user forgets, or never learns how to really function in society without the use of chemicals. Addiction treatment, whether it be 28 days or a long-term facility, is where one begins to learn the necessary life skills and coping mechanisms to live a fulfilled life without the use of drugs or alcohol.

Myth #7: Someone Should Only Have To Go To Treatment Once

Yes, many individuals have found sustained recovery after only going to addiction treatment once in their lifetime. Unfortunately, this is not the case for everyone. Relapse, although not a requirement for recovery, is often times a reality for many. Typically, relapse is the result of the addict no longer participating in their 12-step program or other recovery-oriented activities. Addiction is a chronic disease, similar to cancer or diabetes. What happens when a cancer patient stops getting their chemotherapy? They usually get sick all over again. The same goes for those in addiction recovery. In order to remain sober, one must work diligently every day to protect their new way of life. Unfortunately, sometimes it takes more than one time in addiction treatment to realize this. If you love someone who needs treatment for a second or third time, please meet them with compassion and love, rather than judgment and misunderstanding. More than likely, they are already filled with shame, guilt, and embarrassment over their relapse, and they will need your support to get the help they need.

Contact Clearbrook Today

If you or someone you love is struggling with alcoholism or drug addiction, please do not be afraid to ask for help. Do not allow common myths and misconceptions regarding addiction treatment cloud your decision to get better. If you are fearful of entering treatment and aren’t sure what to expect, give us a call today. We would be more than happy to answer any questions you may have.

For more than 40 years, Clearbrook Treatment Centers has been providing quality treatment to the chemically dependent person, while offering education and support to the affected family members. If you are ready to take the first step in changing your life, please contact our Admissions Specialists today. Remember, recovery is possible…and it begins here!

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