The addiction to any drug should be treated by understanding the nature of illness and the response of the patient. We should not treat the addiction as a disease by following a fixed protocol but by having an individual approach with proper cocaine addiction treatment. The cocaine drug has such a stronghold on the addict that it requires powerful tools for its annihilation. A cocaine addiction can be curbed easily if the person comes in the initial stage. In such cases, treatment can be initiated at home with the help of medical personnel.
Since the drug affects the physical, emotional and mental faculty of the body, the task of curing the patient requires a systematic approach. The following steps are to be taken to treat the addict.
-The physical symptoms produced during the course of addiction make the person dependent on drugs. The cocaine detoxification process with the help of the licensed medical personnel must be conducted at the earliest. This procedure requires medication to counter the physical illness produced by drug abuse. Initially, there is an exhibition of withdrawal symptoms, but to tide over the problem the addict should be strong-willed.
Sudden withdrawal from caffeinated drinks is usually not advisable for people who are addicted for a considerable length of time. Such individuals should resort to gradual tapering from addiction under the supervision of both physicians and psychiatrists. The role of the psychiatrist is important because a person who is neck-deep into addiction finds it difficult to tolerate the withdrawal symptoms and prefers to go back to addiction.
-The next aim is to strengthen the mental and emotional disturbances. This can be achieved by a combined effort of relatives, physician, psychiatrist and colleagues. Some people respond well to group counseling and discussions as they feel relieved to vent their frustration and gain solace by sharing experiences. This method is followed at a cocaine rehabilitation center Pennsylvania where patients are confined to prevent them from reverting to the old habits of addiction.
-The help of psychiatrist is sought when the addict has undergone lot of psychologically inflicted injuries like sexual abuse, bereavement from loved one etc. In such people, one to one counseling is done on a regular basis. The thought process is primarily affected in case of drug addiction Pennsylvania. Hence our prime goal is to change the pattern of thinking of an addicted person. The counseling of family simultaneously should be undertaken to prevent the aggravation of the problem once the addict returns home.