Cocaine addiction treatment New Jersey for others begins with detection. There are various signs and symptoms that can help you determine if someone close to you is addicted to cocaine. If you yourself take cocaine regularly or on occasion, there are questionnaires that can help you determine whether or not you are addicted.
The addictive properties of cocaine have been clear since the early 1900s. Problems associated with addiction were already plaguing society at the time. Today the popularization of cocaine New Jersey as a recreational drug has crossed the gap of status, and has become more popular among the middle to upper classes. Cocaine is the second most popular drug in the US (the world’s largest consumer of cocaine) and is surprisingly in vogue among college students.
Some of the immediate and short-term signs of cocaine use are dilated pupils, increased heart rate and blood pressure, decreased appetite and increased temperature. Cocaine users experience a brief period of euphoria before intense feelings of depression which may be accompanied by nosebleeds, hoarseness and difficulty swallowing.
Addicts commonly exhibit irritability, mood disturbances and restlessness. In the long run, they end up with paranoia, auditory hallucinations, convulsions and tremors, a loss of appetite that leads to dramatic weight loss and malnourishment and, of course, the constant craving for cocaine. And as arguably the most difficult symptom of this condition, cocaine addicts are prone to relapse even after long periods of sobriety.
For self-testing, addiction quizzes found on cocaine addiction treatment New Jersey websites typically ask if users use drugs at the expense of their loved ones, their jobs or their physical health. Some questions also focus on the frequency of drug use. Just one positive answer points towards addiction.