Self-deception comes in many forms. Most of the time it creeps up on us when we least expect it. Some people come to the rooms of A.A./N.A. and work the program for a little while, never fully committing to the recovery process and after a while self-deception begins. A good example in this case of self-deception is when we stop going to meetings and think we don’t need them anymore because we learned enough or we think we’re “okay”. That kind of self-deception is what can make us use again. We lie to ourselves.
If we were 100% committed to the program we wouldn’t be deceiving ourselves. We would know that this disease doesn’t disappear. We constantly have to work for our recovery for the rest of our lives. It can be a beautiful thing if we have truly embraced the notion. To fight self-deception (which is part of our disease) we must always be honest about our disease and honest about our shortcomings. If you are honestly and whole-heartedly working the 12 Steps and going to meetings and talking to you sponsor and support group, it makes it virtually impossible for self-deception to come up.
Sometimes it will but when you are armed with the 12 Steps and the Rooms, you can combat self-deception and walk right through it.
Daily Gratitude:
I am grateful for the pain of my illness. Today I will remember how good I have it.I pray that I not forget the great pain of my disease.