Does Drug Rehab Actually Work?

Rehab centers can tailor treatment programs to the individual’s specific need, vastly increasing the chances of a successful recovery and keeping them on track throughout. Everyone’s story is different, and each requires a personal touch. While a method of treatment has [...]

Bath Salt Use Has Deadly Consequences

Classified as one of the “designer drugs” on the street today, bath salt abuse has increased by 1000% from two years ago. Poison control centers in the U.S. have reported that in 2010, 304 people sought help from the use of these chemicals, and then in 2013, more than [...]

Relapse Warning Signs

In treating addiction for the last 40 years, Clearbrook has seen many relapses happen. If it's addressed early enough, disaster can be avioded. Below we point out some signs that a person who is in recovery may be headed back down the wrong path.