Intervention is Sometimes Necessary

Myths: 1) An addict needs to hit rock bottom before they’ll ever get help. 2) An addict has to decide when to get treatment. Those two pervasive myths about addiction stop too many well-meaning and concerned family members from intervening to help their loved one get [...]

Rehabilitation Does Work

Rehabilitation is the process of recovering those capacities that have been diminished due to substance abuse and addiction. This recovery can only be sustained if the addict does not relapse or return to substance abuse. Thus, the proof of successful rehabilitation is [...]

Types of Treatment Programs

There are several types of drug abuse treatment programs. Short-term methods last less than 6 months and include residential therapy, medication therapy, and drug-free outpatient therapy. Longer term treatment may include, for example, methadone maintenance outpatient [...]

Senior Substance Abuse

Studies show that as many as 17 percent of American seniors may have alcohol abuse problems or alcoholism, yet this group is greatly underrepresented in addiction treatment programs. Studies also show that when seniors do participate in treatment programs, they show [...]

Helping an Addict

Even though your child is an adult, the caregiving impulses you have used over the past 20 years or more don’t evaporate overnight. They can be hard to leave behind. The impulse to “fix” things for your child can be very strong. This is particularly true when your [...]

Help a Recovering Addict

Try to hear what they have to say without judgment or “I told you sos”. This can be very hard to do. They may have things to say that are painful or hard to hear. They may be involved in things you find unacceptable. Remember that respectful listening does not mean you [...]

Learn More About Our Drug Treatment Programs

The following are programs that are offered from Clearbrook Treatment Centers to help you or a loved one recover from chemical dependency: Addiction Counseling – individual and group with emphasis placed on current behavior. Counseling addresses the disease concept, its [...]

Learn More About the Clearbrook Family Program

Family drug treatment programs is viewed as a vital and necessary component to enhance the recovery of the chemically dependent person. In addition, these types of programs can promote overall family recovery from the effects that chemical dependency has on individual [...]

Alcohol Rehabilitation

Alcohol abuse differs from alcoholism in that it does not include an extremely strong craving for alcohol, loss of control over drinking, or physical dependence. Although alcohol abuse is basically different from alcoholism, many effects of alcohol abuse are also [...]

Helping a Meth Addict

Methamphetamine–also known as speed, meth, or crystal–boosts chemical receptors, such as dopamine, and inhibits the destruction of other chemicals, such as acetylcholamine, in the brain. The result is an addicting euphoria. Sleep deprivation and nutritional [...]