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A spiritual experience gives us such clarity and vision. This experience can come in many ways and we cannot tell you how it will come because everyone is different. It is something that you will recognize when it happens. There is a definite change in us. There is a difference in the way we think, feel and act. This spiritual experience brings gifts such as abstinence, change, truth, reality and open-mindedness.

We have a new willingness to take direction like never before. We have a feeling of wanting to know more about ourselves than ever before. We feel a new power to think, act and live. We have a new appreciation for ourselves and the things in our lives. To keep this experience fresh in our minds and hearts we must continue to work the program and share this with others.

Daily Gratitude:

I am grateful for the longstanding friendships in the fellowship of A.A. Today I will work at appreciating my true friends. I pray for lasting, true friendships.

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