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When we enter the rooms of A.A./N.A. we are broken down. We are hopeless. We have hit bottom and don’t know where else to turn. We realize that we don’t have the answers. Treatment and A.A./N.A. have the ability to help us find the answers.

When we become willing to do whatever it takes to get better we can find hope. We find hope in the people around us who wear smiles and who radiate happiness through sharing their story of recovery. By working the 12 Steps we are shown the possibility of tomorrow. As we heal inside we begin to see that through recovery we can do anything.

We can choose how we look at life when we are in recovery. We can make sound choices because we are sober and working the Steps. They not only give us hope but teach us how to choose the right things.

“Forces beyond your control can take away everything you possess except one thing, your freedom to choose how you will respond to the situation.”- Viktor Frankl

Daily Gratitude:

I am grateful for the constant change in my life. Today I will not resist change. I pray to remain open to the changes in me.

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