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Deciding to surrender to the disease of alcoholism/drug addiction is a very difficult thing to do. Many of us have felt like we don’t know how to live without any kind of mood-altering chemicals in our lives because that’s the only thing we’ve known for so long. But we quickly see, when we enter the rooms, that there is hope and we can live a happy life.

When we first came to A.A./N.A. we saw a lot of people around us who were happy and laughing and enjoying themselves. We immediately decided we wanted what they have. In order to get happy and free we must learn to have a sense of humor about life. So many of ourselves take life too seriously. This life is such a blessing and finding humor in things makes it easier for us to not sweat the small stuff.

So, when we face times that things are exactly easy or we are struggling, we must find something that will make us laugh. Because it is very true…Laughter is the best medicine.

Daily Gratitude:

I am grateful for the warmth of sunshine on my face. Today I will seek the warmth of the sun to fill my being. I pray that the warmth I feel now remains with me.

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