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When we are using there are many times that we’ve felt stuck. Some of us felt that there was no other way than the way we were living our lives but we knew it wasn’t right. We didn’t know of any other way to live because we had been using so much for so long. We felt stuck because we truly didn’t know how to move forward in this part of our life.

Then something happened for us. Something in our lives pushed us toward treatment and/or A.A./N.A. It opened our minds. It may have taken a while but it truly opened our minds and we didn’t feel stuck. We felt a bit of freedom because we saw through our actions and others actions that we don’t have to be stuck. We don’t have to live our lives using. We could have a life in recovery. It truly was and is possible! What a gift!

Once we embrace the 12 Steps and others in the program we can truly be free and live a life drug and alcohol free and we can move forward!

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