Drug addiction treatment is a complex process with a lot of stages, and it is most successful with help from renowned drug treatment facilities and professionals. However, as a friend, spouse, family or relative of a drug addict, you must know that your addicted loved one also needs help from you, even when he or she never says it out loud or gives any hints. There are a lot of drug treatment programs and methods that can help with the process, but there’s also a kind of support and help that can only come from you. Here are three simple yet powerful things you can do to help make your loved one’s road to recovery a bit more steady, tolerable and efficient.
Gathering as many information as you can about drug addiction will not only help you understand what your loved one is going through, it will also help you look inside yourself and see that more compassionate version of you. Many families and friends don’t bother to find out more about drug addiction, and they end up nagging, preaching, or lecturing to the person, not realizing that being lectured is the last thing their loved one needs at the moment. Having a substantial amount of knowledge about drug addiction will also help you recognize signs and symptoms of abuse. This will help you understand why the person is acting a certain way at a certain time.
Depending on specific circumstances, dealing with an addict loved one can be incredibly difficult, hurtful and depressing. Sometimes, you just can’t help but fight them, argue with them and yell at them because you want to put something across. Let’s face it: it’s hard to be happy when you know your parent, sibling, spouse or bestfriend is suffering. However, a drug addict could always use a little smile, a little positivity, a little hope. This doesn’t mean that you have to go around the house all day with a big, big smile on your face, but if you can, avoid confrontation with the person and always try your best to be hopeful, positive and even excited for his or her recovery.
Recovery from drug addiction doesn’t happen overnight; it is a long process with a lot of stages, several relapses, ugly withdrawals, inevitable frustration and overwhelming anxiety. It can be a very difficult time for both you and the addict. However, difficult times don’t always need to be intolerable. Difficult times can, in fact, be just as enjoyable and worthwhile as the easy times. Be there for your addicted loved ones as often as you can. And when you’re with them, be present. Have good times. Play volleyball, go watch movies together, eat somewhere nice, invite the for a good long walk on the streets or on the beach, text them when they’re feeling lonely or just to say hi and see how they’re doing. Remind them of the many beautiful things that life has to offer. At the end of the day, nobody deserves to go through this journey alone.