Medical Detox at Clearbrook Treatment Centers

A person who frequently abuses drugs or alcohol will eventually develop a physical dependence. Physical dependence refers to the body’s chronic need for a substance. This need is a result of a developed tolerance, which occurs when a person continues to use more substances to experience the same high they experienced when they first used drugs or drank excessively. However, dependence can also be mental, as many people begin using drugs or alcohol to cope with mental illness or trauma. A person with a substance abuse disorder may struggle to get sober because of the emotional and physical dependence they’ve developed. However, an efficient and safe way to help these individuals begin their recovery journey is with medical detox at our Northeast treatment centers.

What Is Medical Detox?

Medical detox is a medically assisted treatment in which the patient slowly weans off of drugs or alcohol. As these substances are naturally flushing out of the person’s system, they may experience physical side effects called withdrawal symptoms. Withdrawal symptoms can be extremely uncomfortable and can lead to complications without treatment.

Symptoms that commonly occur during medical detox include:

  • Body aches and shaking
  • Increased heart rate
  • Increased blood pressure
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Hallucinations
  • Fevers
  • Excessive sweating
  • Headaches
  • Nausea and vomiting

These symptoms occur because the body is adjusting to the sudden lack of drugs or alcohol. Complications concerning these symptoms are more likely to occur if the individual attempts to detox at home or quit cold turkey. Medically assisted detox treatments, like the detox programs at Clearbrook Treatment Centers, are led by staff who are trained and licensed to administer appropriate medications to mitigate withdrawal symptoms. Medical detox is a valuable aspect of treating addiction because it offers patients 24-hour supervision and mitigates the severity of addiction cravings.

Our Medical Detox Centers in Pennsylvania and Massachusetts

At both Clearbrook Massachusetts and Clearbrook Pennsylvania, we understand that the detox process can be scary and uncomfortable. All the more reason to come to our drug rehab in Pennsylvania or Massachusetts to get professional help with such a crucial process. Medically monitored detox at both of our facilities provides 24-hour care and support to help patients safely get through the withdrawal phase of recovery. During this stage of addiction treatment, our doctors also administer medication as needed to offer relief to patients as they’re going through withdrawal.

Whether it’s at our Massachusetts detox center or Pennsylvania detox center, patients will receive the safest form of medical detox at Clearbrook Treatment Centers. Before a detox, we conduct clinical assessments to collect all the information we need to create an addiction treatment plan that meets the patient’s needs. Following this evaluation, patients may then begin their treatment with medical detox.

Detox is only the first step to treating addiction. After patients complete a medical detox, they can then move onto our residential addiction treatment. This is an inpatient rehab program that separates patients from their everyday environments to prevent distractions and promote full recovery.

To learn more about our medical detox facilities in Massachusetts and Pennsylvania, contact us now.

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