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Opioids Overdose | Clearbrook Treatment Centers

If you’re using opioids, you may not want to know this.  Opioids come with an unwritten guarantee that they are responsible for the most overdoses.  Not sure if the drug you are using falls into this category or if this is true?  Unfortunately, it is.

First, let’s get some clarification.  Some people may not be sure what drugs are classified as opioids.  You can find the complete name and generic listings on the FDA website. The most common and better known ones are as follows:

  • Morphine
  • Methadone
  • Fentanyl
  • OxyContin
  • Oxycodone
  • Hydrocodone
  • Demerol
  • Roxanol
  • Percocet
  • Vicodin
  • Heroin

You may notice a common theme among these drugs.  They all start out as painkillers.  Even heroin.  Although it is a street drug, many will argue that it is used to deal with pain.

Opioid Users Are At A High Risk for Overdose

To many, it will seem obvious that heroin users are at risk to overdose using that drug.  It certainly isn’t regulated or controlled.  But what about the rest of the drugs? For the most part, they are pills.  Isn’t it equally as possible for someone to take too many amphetamines, barbiturates, or even over-the-counter medicine?

Overdoses can occur with any type of drug.  Unfortunately, the risk increases with opioids.

First, let’s get something clear. Accidental opioid overdose isn’t just related to addicts. You need to know a little something about how the drug works to see how overdoses occur.

There is a difference between opiates and opioids.  The latter are found in most medications and are synthetic.  Plainly said, this means they are made in a laboratory. They are designed to bring relief from whatever ails you.  It could be a broken leg, back pain or even cancer. The list goes on.

Opioids act as a depressant to the central nervous system.  They aren’t the only drug that does this.  So do other drugs that seemingly make people feel better.  For example, barbiturates and benzodiazepines have the same effect and so does alcohol.

The Center for Disease Control (CDC)  calls it an epidemic.  In 2014, 60% of the fatal substance abuse deaths were due to opioids. If those numbers don’t alarm you enough, maybe this one will: Today, at least 78 Americans will overdose from an opioid.

Bottom line: Why are more people overdosing from opioids?  Because they build up a tolerance.  They figure it’s okay to take more. And more.  And more. Opioid users fail to realize they have become addicted. They just believe that they need more of the drug to get the same effect.

Remember we mentioned that opioids affect the central nervous system?  This system does a whole lot for the body.  It impacts breathing.  Opioids have a sedating effect on both the respiratory system and heart rate. By suppressing this area, you may stop breathing or your heartbeat.

We do not want you to turn into another statistic.

We Can Help You

You may not even realize you’ve built up a tolerance or that your life is in jeopardy. But the fact remains — you won’t likely overdose from marijuana. Other drugs may cause physical addictions.  However, the problem with opioids is that most users start off quite innocently.  It was a matter of killing pain.

It’s hard to admit that drugs may be interfering with your well being.  At Clearbrook, we have experienced staff and counselors who understand your issues.  We offer compassionate solutions to your problems.  Contact us to set up an appointment to see how we can assist you.




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